Saturday, February 13, 2016




  • SRAM (Static RAM)
    • Each cell stores 1 bit
    • Each cell consists of a flip flop (6 transistors)  > Large size - Low storage - High cost - More Power
    • Faster than DRam
From Video: Embedded System Video 4 Memory Part 1 

  • DRAM (Dynamic RAM)
    • Each cell stores 1 bit
    • Each cell consists of 1 transistor + 1 capacitor > Small area - High storage - Low cost - Less Power
    • The smaller area than SRAM because u need 6 transistors for one cell in SRAM, while u need only one in a DRAM. The capacitor needed in DRAM cell is done built in into the transistor
      • From Qoura.Com
        • Slower than SRam
          • Mechanism
            • Write '1': capacitor charge from Input buffer
            • Write '0': capacitor discharge through Input buffer
            • Read : capacitor discharges through Output buffer
              • Then capacitor is recharged (refreshes through Refresh buffer)
        • Examples:
          • SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM)
          • DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate SDRAM)
From Video: Embedded System Video 4 Memory Part 1 

Cache Memory:
  • Is used to save portions of the data and instructions, that are currently used by the processor
  • Requirements:
    • Storage capacity can be small.
    • Fast
  • Used RAM:
    • SRAM (Faster - Less Storage capacity)
Main Memory:
  • The Big Ram that shall contain all the system data
  • Requirements:
    • Big storage capacity
    • Speed can be less than cache
  • Used RAM:
    • DRAM (Not as fast as SRAM - high storage capacity)
  • Mask ROM
    • Programmed in factory
  • PROM
    • Contains fuses, can be programmed only once
  • EPROM (Erasable Programmable ROM)
    • Ex: Ultra Violet EPROM, can be erased using ultraviolet light, then reprogrammed
    • Slow
  • EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM)
    • Flash memory: CMOS transistor with floating gate
  • Hard disk
    • Magnetic storage.
    • Very Slow, Large capacitance, used for long term data storage
  • Solid State Desk
    • Like hard disk, but faster