Thursday, April 2, 2015

System Dynamical Model


  • Something changes (evolves) with time

  • Something which influences this change

Dynamical Model:

A dynamical Model of a system, is a model which describes how a system evolves with time.

To describe how a system evolves with time, or we can say changes with time:

we can use:
    • Differential Equation
    • Initial condition
    • It is known that the differentiation is something that describes change over time.
    • And, initial condition describes a specific state of the system.
Thus, with these 2 points, I can describe the system at a certain point of time, and I can describe how this system changes with time
          Hence, that's it, I described the system !

Solving the dynamical model, can be done:

A) Numerically:

By discretizing the time, I can use Taylor expansion:

X((k+1)*δt) = X(k*δt) + δt * X'(k*δt) + .... 

From the initial condition, we know X(k*δt)
From the differential equation, we know X'(k*δt) in terms of X(k*δt)

Hence, we can calculate X of k+1, from which we can get X of K+2, ... etc

B) Analytically (Integration):

To get the mathematical expression from the dynamical model:

    • Integrate the differential equation to get X(t) from X'(t)
    • Use the initial condition to get the integration constant

Equilibrium Point:

  • X'(t) = 0

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