Friday, June 5, 2015

Compare signed to unsigned

If you have this code:

    unsigned int x = 5;
    int y = -3;
    if (y>x)
        printf("y is bigger\n\r");

What is the output of this?

  • int = signed int
  • when comparing unsigned to signed, the signed is casted into unsigned
  • in our case
    • x = 00000005
    • y = FFFFFFFD   (MSB = sign bit = 1, the other bits shall be the 2's complement of 3)
    • casting u into unsigned, then comparing, y > x --> true
    • the output: "y is bigger"

What about normal operation?
int x;
int y = -10;
unsigned int z = 4;
x = y + z;


// -6?
// Also y will be casted to unsigned, then added to z,  the result will be correct, thanks to the 2's complement representation
// y + z = FFFFFFF6 + 00000004 = FFFFFFFA = - 6


short x;
 long x2;
short y = -10;
unsigned short z = 4;
x = y + z;
 x2 = y + z;
 x3 = y + (short)z;

printf("%d, %d, %d\n\r",x, x2, x3);

in 16 bit machine:

  • y + z = 0xFFF6 + 0x0004 = 0xFFFA
    • x = 0xFFFA
      • Since x is signed, then x = - 6
    • x2 = 0x0000FFFA
      • Since x2 is signed, then x = + 65530
      • No sign extension happened. because (y + z) is unsigned
    • x3 = 0xFFFFFFFA
      • Since x3 is signed, then x = - 6
      • sign extension happened because (y + z) is signed
in 32 bit machine:
  • y + z = 0xFFFFFFF6 + 0x00000004 = 0xFFFFFFFA
    • x = x2 = x3 = - 6

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