Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Create/Build C Project in VS C++

How To Create C Project in VS C++?
To edit your C program:
  1. From the main menu select File -> New -> Project
  2. In the New Project window:
    Under Project types, General > Empty Project
    Name your project, and specify a location for your project directory
    Click 'OK', then 'next'
  3. In the Application Wizard:
    Select Console application
    Select Empty project
    Deselect Precompiled header
  4. Once the project has been created, in the window on the left hand side you should see three folders:
    Header Files
    Resource Files
    Source Files
  5. Right-click on Source Files and Select Add-> New Item
    Select Code, and give the file a name
    The default here will be a file with a *.cpp extension (for a C++ file). After creating the file, rename it as a *.c file.
To compile and run:

  1. Press the green play button.
  2. By default, you will be running in debug mode and it will run your code and bring up the command window.
    To prevent the command window from closing as soon as the program finishes execution, add the following line to the end of your main function:
    This library function waits for any input key, and will therefore keep your console window open until a key is pressed.
  3. Another alternative is to use: 
    Or debug > Start without debuging
Precompiled Headers
Precompiled headers are a mechanism to speed up compilation by creating a partially processed version of some header files, and then using that version during compilations rather than repeatedly parsing the original headers.

Resource Files in VSC++
There are 3 folders in the “Solution Explorer Window” in VSC++:
·         Header Files: (.h)
·         Source Files: (.c)
·         Resource Files: (exe-images-...etc)

Win32 Vs Win64
·         Win32 has 32-bit address line à can support up to 4 GBytes RAM
·         Win64 has 64-bit address line à can support larger size RAM
·         Win32 Application shall run on both Win32 and Win64 system
·         Win64 Application shall run only on Win64 system

Assuming that we use Win64 machine for development, and we want the program to run on Win32 machines:
Host Platform: Win64 – Intel Processor
Target Platform: Win32/64 – Intel Processor


  • Some compiler fires a warning in case of using undefined function. And assumes it is externed.
  • If the linker did not find the function externed, then it will fire an error
  • The manifest is not important for c, you can run the exe directly
  • Generated exe file is not pure machine code? it is OS dependent!

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