Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Variable attributes: Visibility - Scope - Lifetime

Ø  Variable Attributes:
Ø  Visibility:
Ø  void func()
        int x;
         // x is visible here

Ø  void func()
        int x;
         int x;
         // outer x is not visible here

Ø  Scope:
è Global scope – file scope – function scope – block scope
è In the previous example:
Ø  outer x scope is its block (outer block)
Ø  but it is not visible in the inner block (due to inner block variable with the same name)

Ø  Life Time:
è For local variables:
Ø  static: lifetime = program time
Ø  automatic: life time = function time
Ø  dynamic: malloc() and free()
è For global variables (global and file local)

Ø  lifetime = program time

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