Saturday, November 8, 2014

Europe History


Go to mind mup:  Europe History

 Europe أوروبـــــــــــــــــــا

  • prehistoric ages عصور ما قبل التاريخ
    • Paleolithic age العصر الحجري القديم
      • ُEarliest settlers
    • Neolithic age العصر الحجري الحديث
      • Adoption of agriculture 7000 BC
    • Metal-Using age
      • Technological advances spread out from the mediterranean gradually to the northwest
  • Classical antiquity العصور الكلاسيكية القديمة
    • Rise of city states in Greace
    • Roman Empire dominated all the mediterranean vast
      • Roman Law
        • Trade
        • Tolerance
        • Greak culture
    • 300 AD: The Roman empire is splitted into eastern and western empires
    • 476 AD: Fall of Western Roman Empire by the German people coming from north Europe
      • End of classical period, and start of Middle ages
  • Middle Ages العصور الوسطى
    • Eastern Roman Empire: Byzantine Empire
    • The most powerful in western Europe: Frankish Empire
      • Frankish Empire reached its peak under Charlemagne round 800AD
        • Later, Frankish Empire was devided:
          • West Francia, which evolved into Kingdom of France
          • East Francia, which evolved into Holy Roman Empire, a precursor of modern Germany
    • In the British Isles
      • During the Roman Britain, the native Celtic people were marginalized.
        • Roman abandoned during 400s
          • Germanic anglo-saxons migrated to south Britain, established kingdoms, developed into Kingdom of England 927 AD

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