Friday, November 21, 2014

Linux/GNU History

  •  Unix was invented.
    • It was written in assembly (not portable)
    • When changing the target, the assembly instruction set is different, so porting of Unix was a long story
    • Inventors of Unix invented C, and wrote the Unix in C (Portable)
    • Now, all you need when changing the target, is to make its compiler, which map C instructions into assembly instruction
  • GNU

    • Richard Stallman, an activist who called for free SW, decided to make a Unix like OS, but open source.
      It is GNU (GNU Not Unix)
    • GNU project started with gcc (GNU C Compiler), gdb (GNU debugger), and other utilities.
    • GNU project made the GPL (GNU public license), which implies that any one that will use a GPL licensed SW shall make his product open source

  • Linux
    • Linus invented an open source kernel.
    • GNU decided no to build another kernel, just integrating Linus kernel with GNU tool chain (gcc, gdb, ..etc) and GNU apps and utilities (GIMP, gzip, ...etc), Linux OS is launched
  •  There are 2 GUIs for Linux:
      • KDE: better, but not open source
      • GNOME:
        Open Source.

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