Friday, November 14, 2014

How to choose OS?

Criteria of choosing OS for my embedded system:
  • Cost (Free - commercial)
  • Requirements:
    •  The used HW shall support the OS
      • Some OSes support only 32 bits processors
      • Some OSes requires the existence of MMU (Memory Management unit)
  • Portability
    • Can I migrate my OS to another HW?
    • Can I migrate my app to other OS? 
      • Using other words, Are the OS APIs standard APIs? If so, the mogration from OS to othe OS will be easy
  • FootPrint
    • How much memory is required to:
      • store the OS
      • run the OS
  • Real Time
    • Fast enough
    • Predictability
  • Configurable
    • Customizable
  • Support
  • Open Source
    • The code is visible, I can change the behavior of OS, customize it, debug in it.
    • Open source != Free
      But, Somehow, they are related !

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